Spring European University Conference

21-23 March 2025
De Hoof, Someren, the Netherlands

Key Information

Subject: Daniel and His Companions in Babylon — Choosing to Overcome

Dates: 21-23 March 2025

Location: De Hoof, Someren, the Netherlands

Registration Fee: €99 (there are different payment options depending on whether you stay onsite, see the registration website) 

Linen Hire: €17

Registration Deadline: Monday, 3 March 2025

Please read all the information below. If you have any other questions, feel free to email events@unistudents.eu.

This will be the 6th time that we are gathering together at De Hoof since 2017, and we are full of anticipation of what the Lord will speak during this weekend together.

Location and Travel

This year the conference will be in Someren, the Netherlands at a conference centre called De Hoof.

Airports and Trains

De Hoof is not far from Eindhoven Airport in the Netherlands and Dusseldorf Airport in Germany.  One of the shuttle locations, Helmond Train Station, is on the direct train line from Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam.  We recommend using a service like Google Maps or Rome2Rio to figure out the best way for you to get to De Hoof, if you are traveling via public transport.


If you need a shuttle, you can book this service for an additional 15 €. Please ensure that your arrival and departure times match with what we can offer below, otherwise we will refund your shuttle payment and you will need to make your own arrangements.

We will send out a request for your up-to-date travel arrangements as soon as registration closes on March 3rd. We will need your response soon after that deadline. Once you know that you will attend the conference, we recommend that you finalize your conference travel plans as soon as possible.

There will be a shuttle provided from Helmond Train Station and Eindhoven Airport to the conference venue on Friday, March 21, 2025 between 16:00 and 19:30. If you are arriving outside of those times, please make your own arrangements to get to the venue using public transportation or Uber/taxi services. If you have any questions or are struggling to figure out how to get to the venue, please email us at events@unistudents.eu

A shuttle will also be provided from the venue to Helmond Train Station and Eindhoven Airport on Sunday, March 23, 2025. A coach will depart to Eindhoven Airport from the conference venue at 13:30 (there will be no later shuttle), with shuttles to Helmond Train Station departing at approximately the same time. If you need to depart earlier on Sunday, please email us at events@unistudents.eu and we will let you know whether we can assist or if you will need to make your own travel arrangements.

Coach from London

The coach will depart from Euston Road, outside King’s Cross Station at 7.15am on Friday, 21st March 2025. Please arrive at the pickup location 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time to ensure there is no delay.

Seats are limited (only 53) and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Cost: £105 (register and pay here)

The deadline to reserve your seat is Lord’s Day, 16 March 2025.

May the Lord grant each one of us to find mercy and receive grace (Heb. 4:16) to have a keen ear (Rev. 1:10), to be in the right spiritual position (Rev. 1:12), to have a sprinkled and cleansed conscience (Heb. 10:22; 1 John 1:9), a pure heart (Matt. 5:8; 1 Tim. 1:5), and to be poor in spirit (Matt. 5:3) to receive freshly from the Lord, without bias or spiritual pride (Rev. 3:16-20), what He wants to speak to our generation.

Important Details

Who this Conference is For

  • University students and those of university age;
  • Students in vocational programmes;
  • Recent graduates;
  • Secondary school students in their final year; 
  • Those who would like to serve with this age group.

General Conference Schedule

A more detailed schedule will be provided closer to the time of the conference. Here is a brief sketch:

  • Check-in opens at 4:30 PM on Friday afternoon, 21 March;
  • Supper starts on Friday at 5:30 PM, lasting until 7:30 PM (if you need us to save dinner for you, please email events@unistudents.eu);
  • The first session of the conference begins at 7:30 PM on Friday; and
  • The final session of the conference will conclude at approximately 1 PM on Sunday, 23 March; a packed lunch will be provided for you to take on your return journey.


The accommodation we are using for the conference provides a bed, a mattress, and a pillow. 

Here are the options available to you:

  • Option 1: You can bring a sleeping bag and pillow case, or a full bedding set, including a warm blanket or quilt.
  • Option 2: You can book a linen set through the registration form, which will cost 17 €.  The linen set includes a pillowcase, a fitted sheet, a blanket/quilt, and a cover for that blanket/quilt.


Please bring your own towel and toiletries.

Dietary Restrictions

Please let us know on the registration form concerning any dietary restrictions you may have.

What to Bring

  • Clothing appropriate for the meetings of the conference, bearing in mind it will be March and so the weather can get chilly
  • Recreational clothes and footwear you can get dirty as the weather is hard to predict
  • Linen (if you haven’t hired a linen package)
  • A towel
  • Toiletries
  • An umbrella
  • A Bible (if you have one)
  • Pen/pencil or some means of taking notes
“According to the eternal purpose which He made in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Ephesians 3:11

Registration and Payment

Registration Deadline: March 3, 2025

Registration Categories:

  • Option 1: 99 € (includes accommodation, meals, registration costs, and a conference handbook)
  • Option 2: 50 € (does not include accommodation — you can book your own nearby if you want to do that — but does include Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and Sunday breakfast, and lunch, and the conference handbook)
  • Option 3: 40 € (does not include accommodation — you can book your own nearby if you want to do that — and also doesn’t include breakfast, but does include Friday dinner, Saturday lunch, and dinner, and Sunday lunch, and the conference handbook)
  • Option 4: Day Visitor Rate – 10 € per day (this option allows you maximum flexibility if you are just coming for the day. If there are extra conference handbooks available in your language, you will be able to purchase one for 5 €, and you can also pre-book meals for 5 € each per person).

Cancellation and Refund Policy: There will be no refunds give after the registration deadline. If this raises concerns for you due to a special situation that you have, please contact us at events@unistudents.eu.

Under 18s: If you are under 18 and attending this conference, you will need to download, fill out the parental consent form on registration site (or on your Attendee Hub, which will be available to you once you register), and then send the completed and signed form back to us at  events@unistudents.eu.

Bank Transfers

If you need to make your registration payment via bank transfer, please use the details below to do so.

You MUST include the appropriate reference in your transfer, or we will not be able to match your payment with your registration form.

Your payment reference should be: FirstNameLastNameSEUC25

Account name: EYPW, European Young People’s Work e.V.
Bank name and address: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG, 44774 Bochum
IBAN: DE96 4306 0967 1085 5678 00

If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at events@unistudents.eu.

United Kingdom University Work is a registered charity in England and Wales (#1175012).

Contact us


483 Green Lanes,
London, N13 4BY
