Where Will It Take Place?
The 2022 University Training will take place in person in different regions throughout Europe. Including France, UK & Ireland, and Germany.
Who's It For?
Students in their final year of secondary school (Year 13), university/vocational/college students, recent graduates, and any saints burdened to serve with this age group.
this year's Topic:
-1 Tim 1:4b
Dates and Locations
The goal of the University Training is to supply university students with a vision, equip them with truth, help them in their experience of life, perfect them in the preaching of the gospel, and develop their character so they can become useful vessels for the building up of the Body of Christ.
Further information will be posted on this website, and an email will be sent out once registration opens.
United Kingdom University Work is a registered charity in England and Wales (#1175012).