EUROPEAN University training

23-27 August 2020

Amid these uncertain times we are excited to announce another University Training for all of Europe! Although our schedule and format will be different from the past, we expect the Lord to supply us with a timely word! We pray that the Lord could lead you to consecrate your summer to Him!

“And I will raise up for Myself a faithful priest, who will do according to what is in My heart and in My mind.”

1 Sam. 2:35a


The goal of the University Training is to supply university students with a vision, equip them with truth, help them in their experience of life, perfect them in the preaching of the gospel, and develop their character so they can become useful vessels for the building up of the Body of Christ.


The first message of the 2020 University Training will begin at 7pm CEST on Lord’s Day 23 August. The training will end after the corporate overflow on Thursday 27 August.

Registration is open for students and young adults from Europe. Those from places outside of Europe can also register, provided that they can commit to the schedule of the training. The minimum age limit is 17. Registration is also open to those with the burden to serve this age group.

The 2020 University Training will be held online, using the Zoom platform. Email and WhatsApp will also be used to communicate with you before and during the training.

The subject will be: Samuel–An Age-turning Nazarite. Some of the outlines are taken from the recent North America College Training.

Registering for the training is a commitment to participate as fully as possible with your time, your energy, and your spirit. Please review the schedule of the training when you register, so that you know what you are committing to.
Each trainee is expected to abide by the following training regulations:
1) Seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness (Matt. 6:33).
2) Cultivate an atmosphere of prayer, fellowship, and seeking the Lord (Isa. 55:6).
3) Abide punctually by the schedule and diligently fulfill all assigned responsibilities.
4) All trainees should maintain a proper relationship with all fellow trainees in all situations (in language, attitude, intention and heart).

All trainees are expected to participate fully in the training. If you have trouble committing to the entire training schedule, please email us at and we will consider each situation on a case-by-case basis.

The training will be held in English. We anticipate that translation and group times will be available in Dutch, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, and Spanish.

There will be a very timely and precious fellowship for those serving the students before, during, and after the training. If you plan to join the serving ones’ fellowship times (meaning you are burdened to serve this age group of students/young adults), please click the following link to register:*
*Please note that this is in addition to the University Training Registration, which you will need to also complete if you plan to join the training.
The dates for the serving ones’ fellowship times will be:**
– 15 August
– The week of the university training (4 sessions)
– 5 September
Below is the full schedule:
**You do not have to join every serving ones’ session in order to participate in the training.
The training registration fee is £15/€16 and covers the entire five days of the training. Payment must be at the time you register online. There will be no refunds after the registration deadline.
The registration deadline is Lord’s Day, 16 August 2020. Please register and complete your payment before the deadline.
Samuel ministered to be a God-pleasing priest,
He was absolute for Him;
Samuel gave himself to be a Nazarite,
Saved from death, the world, and sin.

Further information will be posted on this website, and an email will be sent out once registration opens.

United Kingdom University Work is a registered charity in England and Wales (#1175012).

Contact us

483 Green Lanes,
London, N13 4BY
