Why are there so many obstacles in me to the true worship of God?
[#19 Q2] I have been given to understand that when I am not in my spirit, I am in my soul, & then what I do is at best natural, at worst satanic, even if I am trying to worship God. Growing up as a Christian, I never knew this, so it seemed very simple. We would just worship without being aware of any of that. Now that I am in the church life, it seems like I need to be aware of so many different things in order to worship the Lord: I need to know whether I am in spirit. If I want to worship the Father in spirit and truthfulness, then some measure of reality has to be worked into my being. It seems more complicated, especially when my default is just to be natural. Why are there so many obstacles in me to the true worship of God? Does worshipping & enjoying Him need to be so complicated, or am I overthinking?
It is important to point out that these brothers do not presume to have the answers to our questions. Rather, they are willing to provide a response in fellowship, and to encourage us to personally go to the Lord and consider all these things before Him.