How do you increase your appetite for the Lord in the midst of abundance and stay freshly excited about the ministry?


How do you increase your appetite for the Lord in the midst of abundance and stay freshly excited about the ministry?

[#16 Q2] I recently experienced an increased appetite for the Lord; however, prior to this time I could describe my experience in the church life as sitting at a buffet with food passing by me, one amazing dish after another. They come so fast that I begin to stop eating and begin to just let it go by. I no longer value the food because I have not been able to digest anything and eventually it all becomes a blur. Some saints turn away from the food entirely and have no interest. What can I do to fight this problem? Although I have somewhat come out on the other side of this experience, I’m so afraid that it will happen again, so I don’t have any confidence in my ability to overcome this tendency. How do you stay freshly excited about the ministry?

In Question and Response (Q&R) sessions, a group of invited panelists respond to questions submitted by students and young adults during the week. The panelists are generally older and more experienced brothers in the Lord who have the burden to respond to our questions by sharing both the truth from the Bible and their experiences in life.

It is important to point out that these brothers do not presume to have the answers to our questions. Rather, they are willing to provide a response in fellowship, and to encourage us to personally go to the Lord and consider all these things before Him.

“That which we have seen and heard we report also to you that you also may have fellowship with us, and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.”

-1 John 1:3

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