How do I deal with the discouraging feeling that I will never get married within the church life because I am black?
Posted by Question and Response in Q&R #10 (Part 2 of 2)
[#10 Q1] I am a black sister, and I have grown up in the church life. I am currently 24 now, and I have the desire to be married, although I am in no rush. However, I am often discouraged regarding this matter of marriage because I have always had the feeling that there is a slim possibility of me getting married to a brother in the church life because I am black. I have had various interactions with saints over the years, and they have expressed a racial preference, and it was never their preference to marry someone black. How do I deal with this discouraging feeling, and is this a realistic thought that I’m having?
In Question and Response (Q&R) sessions, a group of invited panelists respond to questions submitted by students and young adults during the week. The panelists are generally older and more experienced brothers in the Lord who have the burden to respond to our questions by sharing both the truth from the Bible and their experiences in life.
It is important to point out that these brothers do not presume to have the answers to our questions. Rather, they are willing to provide a response in fellowship, and to encourage us to personally go to the Lord and consider all these things before Him.
It is important to point out that these brothers do not presume to have the answers to our questions. Rather, they are willing to provide a response in fellowship, and to encourage us to personally go to the Lord and consider all these things before Him.