#36 The Flow of Life and the Building of God (3)
Brother Willem van Der Zwan continues our new series on the flow of life and the building of God.
Scripture Reading: Gen. 2:10-14; Psa. 36:8-9; 46:4; Rev. 22:1
III. The flow of life is for God’s building—Gen. 2:10-14:
A. God’s building comes out of the flow of life—vv. 10-14:
1. The river in verse 10 signifies the river of water of life, along which the tree of life grows—Rev. 22:1-2.
2. The flow of the river issues in three precious materials–gold, bdellium, and onyx; these materials typify the Triune God as the basic elements of the structure of God’s eternal building—21:18-21.
B. The flowing of the water of life is the only way that builds up the church of God—John 7:37-39; Matt. 16:18:
1. The building of the church depends on whether or not we will allow the water of life to flow through us and into others—John 4:10.
2. In order for the church to be built up, our spirits must be released and blended into one, because the building of God is carried out through our being blended into one in the flow of the Spirit, which is the flow of the water of life—Rom. 8:16; Eph. 2:21.
IV. The flow of life is in God’s building—Psa. 36:8-9; 46:4:
A. The water of life is related to God’s house and God’s city—36:8-9; 46:4:
1. The river of the divine pleasures refers to the Spirit as the river of water of life—36:8; John 7:37-39; Rev. 22:1.
2. The river that gladdens the city of God signifies the flowing of the Triune God in Christ through the Spirit as life to His people—Psa. 46:4; Rev. 22:1.
B. In God’s building the living water flows not instantly and occasionally but constantly and eternally—Num. 20:11; Rev. 22:1.
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