#25 The Universal Spreading of Christ as the True Vine (5)
Brother Peter Welk continues our series on the Universal Spreading of Christ as the True Vine!
Scripture Reading: John 15:1-2, 4-5, 7-8, 12, 16-17
V. For the universal spreading of Christ as the true vine, we need to have effective prayers for fruit-bearing—John 15:7, 16:
A. Prayer is man cooperating and co-working with God, allowing God to express Himself through man and thus accomplish His purpose—Rom. 8:26-27; James 5:17:
1. A praying one will cooperate with God, work together with God, and allow God to
express Himself and His desire from within him and through him.
2. Real prayers cause our being to be wholly mingled with God, causing us to become a person of two parties—God mingled with man—1 Cor. 6:17.
B. We need to pray in the Lord’s name as the issue of our abiding in the Lord and of His words abiding in us—John 15:7, 16:
1. When we abide in the Lord and let His words abide in us, we actually are one with
Him, and He works within us, and there will be a desire in us that comes out of His words, and His desire will become our desire—v. 7:
a. When we ask in prayer for what we will, it is not only we who are praying, for He
is praying in our praying.
b. The Lord will answer this kind of prayer, because it issues from our abiding in the
Lord and from His words abiding in us.
2. To ask in the Lord’s name requires us to abide in the Lord and allow Him and His
words to abide in us so that we may actually be one with Him—v. 16:
a. When we ask, He asks in our asking.
b. This kind of asking is related to fruit-bearing and will surely be answered by the
Father—vv. 7, 16.
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