#22 The Universal Spreading of Christ as the True Vine (2)
Brother Michael Stewart continues our series on the Universal Spreading of Christ as the True Vine!
Scripture Reading: John 15:1-2, 4-5, 7-8, 12, 16-17
I. The organic increase and universal spreading of the church is the multiplication of Christ in the fruit-bearing of the branches of Christ, the true vine in the universe, as the organism of the Triune God in the economy of God—John 15:1-2, 4-5, 8, 16.
II. As the true vine, Christ is the center of God’s operation in the universe— v. 1; Col. 1:15-18; 2:9; 3:4, 11:
A. The entire universe is a vineyard, and centered in this vineyard is the true vine, which is Christ the Son; everything that God the Father is and has is for this center, is embodied in this center, and is expressed through this center— John 15:1; 1:18; 3:35; 16:15; 17:10.
B. The true vine—the center of God’s operation in the universe—is for the propagation and multiplication of life—15:5, 8, 16:
1. To propagate life is to spread life widely, and to multiply life is to reproduce life—
10:10; 12:24; 15:16.
2. This propagation and multiplication of life is to express life for the glorification of the
Father—v. 8.
C. The vine and the branches are an organism to glorify the Father, to have the intent, the content, the inner life, and the inner riches released and expressed from within—vv. 1, 4- 5, 8:
1. In verse 8 the word glorified means to have the intent, the content, the inner life, and the inner riches released and expressed.
2. When the life of the vine is expressed through the branches in its propagation and
multiplication, the Father is glorified, because what the Father is in the riches of His life is expressed in the propagation and multiplication of the vine; this is the glorification of the Father—vv. 4-5, 8.
D. As the organism of the Triune God in the economy of God, the true vine is for the multiplication and spread of the processed and consummated Triune God in millions of His chosen ones—17:20-21; Acts 2:42, 47; 5:14; 6:7; 9:31; 16:5.