autumn university conference
19- 21 November 2022 - United Kingdom
Covid-19 Protocol

Covid-19 Protocol
The university conference is being carried out at a time with few government restrictions but still with active transmission of the Covid-19 virus, so we need to adopt certain measures to protect all those attending the conference and also those we will contact upon returning from the conference. While we are doing our best to mitigate the risk, anyone who joins the conference must be aware of the possible risk to their health as a result of being with a large group of people over a weekend while the Covid-19 case rate remains high.
Before Arriving
We require that you take a lateral flow test within 24 hours before your arrival to Quinta Hall. Please register your result with the NHS. If you can’t register the result with the NHS because you are traveling from overseas, then please bring proof of the result of a test you have taken before travelling or upon your arrival at the airport in England. If you arrive at Quinta Hall without proof of a negative test result within the last 24 hours, you will be asked to take a test and await the result before being allowed to join the conference. Simply put, no negative result, no conference.
If you develop any coronavirus symptoms (a high temperature, new and persistent cough, or a loss of/change in your sense of taste or smell) or become seriously unwell before you leave for the conference, please do not come to the conference as we will have to send you back home at your own expense.
If you are asked to self-isolate due to contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19, we ask that you also not attend the conference.
In the event that you cannot attend the conference due to developing coronavirus symptoms, or because you have become seriously unwell, or because you have been asked to self-isolate due to contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19, please contact the registration team as soon as possible at so that we can update our records. We cannot guarantee it, but we will also do our best to issue you a full refund.
When you arrive, you can check in using NHS App or use the check-in system that we provide. We will securely store and then delete all information provided for this purpose after 21 days
During the Conference
We ask that you bring a mask with you and wear the mask, at a minimum, when traveling to the conference facility and when you are handling food during meals or meal prep/cleanup. We encourage everyone to consider wearing a mask during the large conference meetings, though at this time we are not requiring it. You are welcome to wear a mask at any other time, according to your personal comfort level.
We encourage everyone to practice washing hands and sanitizing frequently.
We will work with the venue to ensure that, as much as possible, we have our corporate gatherings in large, well-ventilated spaces, with socially-distance seating.
If someone displays Covid-19 symptoms or begins to feel unwell while at the conference, they will be helped to relocate to a designated space until they can take a lateral flow test. Should they test positive for Covid-19, we will ask them to stay in the designated location until arrangements can be made for them to travel safely home.
Please direct any questions you may have about any of the above arrangements to
“Proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching the things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness, unhindered.”
– Acts 28:31
United Kingdom University Work is a registered charity in England and Wales (#1175012).