NACT Day 1 – Chicago Metro Area to Champaign, Illinois!

Lord’s day, 16th July

Lord’s table with the saints in Streamwood! Many of us received hospitality with the church in Streamwood. Those staying in Chicago were picked up to join us this morning.
UK saints introducing ourselves.
We had a love feast with the saints in Streamwood for lunch.
UK sisters blending with sisters from Brisbane, Australia.
We hired a coach and rented some cars to get us all to Champaign for the NACT. The saints in Streamwood coordinated to identify the best pickup location for us in a nearby carpark.
All aboard and ready for the three-hour drive to Champaign! The saints on the East Coast (Londoners) Trip flew in to Chicago that morning and were picked up to join us.
We have arrived! On our way to check in at registration.
Step one – collecting our packets and T-shirts and dorm assignments.
Step 2 – to our dorms to pick up our keys and meal cars, and write our names on our swag 🙂
Our homes for the week!
Some of our NACT swag! (Trainers not included, they just match the colour scheme!)
Dinner time at the Ikenberry dining hall!
Fill us up this week, Lord!
The start of the first meeting! Lots of singing to exercise and release our spirits!

The subject of the NACT this year is “Love Prevails.” Lord, may we see You and Your prevailing love this week!

Message 1 – brother Tym illustrating the bone taken out of Adam’s side. As Eve came out of Adam, so also we as the church came out of Christ.
There are 2800 of us here at NACT! With around 90 from the UK, and around 230 from Europe.
Streaming out of the State Farm Centre and heading to our dorms to get ready for bed and room fellowship 🙂

Lord, we give this whole week to You! We don’t want to remain the same!

“That which we have seen and heard we report also to you that you also may have fellowship with us, and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.”

-1 John 1:3

United Kingdom University Work is a registered charity in England and Wales (#1175012).

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483 Green Lanes,
London, N13 4BY
