Chicago Part 3: Onward to Illinois!

Saturday, 15th July

Bad weather in Chicago (the saints who arrived on Friday had to shelter during a tornado warning at the airport!) meant that a number of us could change to earlier flights, which was great as the drivers had to anyway drop off passengers early to the LAX airport.

We have arrived in Chicago!
Either our hospitality picked us up from the airport, or we made our way to their homes by public transport or Uber.


Those in the city of Chicago found one another quite quickly!

Some of the UK saints arrived a few days early in Chicago and met up to sightsee.

The Lord arranged everything! We were even joined by a sister from Santa Ana who had received the UK saints for lunch in her home the previous week.

A large number of us were staying in a locality called Streamwood. The saints prepared a love feast for us all, and also for saints from South Korea, Mexico, France, and Australia, who were also going to NACT.

So good to be feasting and blending with the saints!
It was also sweet to be reunited with other saints from the UK (and Romania) who had travelled directly to Chicago. Ready for our being trained together at the NACT!

We were able to find the grave markers for brothers Watchman Nee and Witness Lee,  two servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We had a time of singing with everyone. Christ is our everything!
It included singing, “I am the living bread,” in many different languages, including Korean.
We had a sweet time introducing everyone in the room and getting to know one another, also sharing our fun facts. Some of them were quite funny! 🙂
Then it was time to head home with our hospitalities, where the enjoyment continued!

Thank You Lord, for conquering us with Your love and bringing us on this trip and to the NACT!

“That which we have seen and heard we report also to you that you also may have fellowship with us, and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.”

-1 John 1:3

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