California Part 1: Day 4 – Entering into the divine and mystical realm!

Monday, 3rd July

On Monday morning we had time to rest and prepare for the start of the Training. Also, our dear drivers returned most of the cars to the airport as we don’t need them this week. Thank you saints for taking care of us with the car hire and driving!

Most of us don’t need the cars because our transportation is with the FTTA shuttles that run between the houses we are staying in and the LSM campus where we eat and have the meetings.

The first message began at 3.55pm. We needed to arrive a little early to pick up our training packets, which included our badges and seat numbers. The UK saints are sitting in section B which is really close to the front!

The general subject of the July Semiannual Training is An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord’s Recovery before His Appearing.

This is the first Semiannual Training since the Crystallization-studies were completed, which the brothers said is very significant!

The twelve messages of the July Semiannual Training come from the ten outline points at the end of The Vital Groups, chapter 17, plus two additional messages: Shepherding according to God, and Becoming the New Jerusalem.

Our first two messages on Monday night were on:

1. The Ultimate Goal of God’s Economy
2. The Divine and Mystical Realm

Here are a few of our impressions from these messages!

What was revealed to me in message one was that when I left the UK I was stale bread, but as this trip has gone on I am becoming more and more fresh. The more fresh I become the more I hear His speaking, and the more I hear His speaking the more He moves in me, causing me to long for Him more each day. Thus preventing spiritual holidays and allowing more growth. Transforming me to be as He is in life and nature but not in the God-Head. Sanctifying me, making me holy as He is, which was His plan for me since before the foundation of the world.

– From Message One

The divine and mystical realm is for us to enter into and live in today! It’s up to us. No need to try to feel it. Simply exercise our spirit! Simultaneously to outward activities in our daily life we can be in the inward reality that will bring the Lord back.

– From Message Two

During the dinner break, we found a spot outside to eat dinner together. We had all made sack dinners at lunchtime.

We also checked out the concessions on sale by Acaciawood who were raising money for their Spring Break Trip. This year the Acaciawood High School Seniors had come to visit us in London and Cambridge! They were selling tamales, bubble tea, cake, and other things. But the queue was really long!

Many saints walk around the MCC during the dinner break, and it is not uncommon to bump into saints you know, including some who used to live in the UK! 🙂

The second meeting started at 7.25pm, and ended at 9.30pm. After the announcements, we were reminded to pick up our study questions on the way out. This is a training and so having a study time (and being tested) is part of our being in the training.

The car park is really busy at night with everyone exiting. But we can learn to be simultaneously in the physical realm and also in the divine and mystical realm even while we wait to board the buses, wait at the red lights, and coordinate with our housemates to take showers and get ready for bed.

Keep us abiding in You this whole week, Lord Jesus!

“That which we have seen and heard we report also to you that you also may have fellowship with us, and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.”

-1 John 1:3

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